ACCOUNTS = [ "GCSGSR6KQQ5BP2FXVPWRL6SWPUSFWLVONLIBJZUKTVQB5FYJFVL6XOXE", "GDRND2IUXVMHZ4XTB2RZ4AJ3AOLON3WTAOC23XEASB56NHDFW3ED57TW" ] SIGNING_KEY = "GCUZ6YLL5RQBTYLTTQLPCM73C5XAIUGK2TIMWQH7HPSGWVS2KJ2F3CHS" NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Test SDF Network ; September 2015" TRANSFER_SERVER = "" TRANSFER_SERVER_SEP0024 = "" WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT = "" KYC_SERVER = "" DIRECT_PAYMENT_SERVER = "" ANCHOR_QUOTE_SERVER = "" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "SRT" issuer = "GCDNJUBQSX7AJWLJACMJ7I4BC3Z47BQUTMHEICZLE6MU4KQBRYG5JY6B" status = "test" is_asset_anchored = false desc = "Stellar Reference Token (SRT) is an asset issued on testnet and is used as an anchored asset for this reference server for demonstration and testing purposes." [[CURRENCIES]] code = "USDC" issuer = "GBBD47IF6LWK7P7MDEVSCWR7DPUWV3NY3DTQEVFL4NAT4AQH3ZLLFLA5" status = "test" is_asset_anchored = false desc = "Circle USDC Token" [DOCUMENTATION] ORG_NAME = "Stellar Development Foundation" ORG_URL = "" ORG_DESCRIPTION = "The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create equitable access to the global financial system." ORG_GITHUB = "stellar"